نظّم حملة لجمع التبرعات. أشرك الأصدقاء والعائلة والزملاء والجيران والطلاب والمجموعات ووسائل التواصل الاجتماعي. مهما كانت النتيجة، ستكون قد ساهمت بشيء إيجابي. إليك بعض الأمثلة الواقعية:
HNCS is a registered subsidiary of Islamic Supreme Council of America (ISCA), a 501(c)(3) non-profit religious organization (Tax ID#: 38-3497540). Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. For tax purposes, every January we mail tax-deduction documentation to U.S. resident donors for donations they made the previous year.
Alhamdulillah, in the first ten days of Holy Muharram, Allah grants each good deed 100,000 rewards. Also, sadaqa for Ashura is rewarded as one year of charity!
Muharram starts July 18th